creating realistic deliverable waterfront development concepts
Master planning is the process that aims to establish the vision & aspiration of any waterfront scheme within the context of its surroundings and wider development proposals. It is an integral part of the concept design process.
Master planning is the lead discipline for many of our projects, which can include various stages such as concept master plan and detailed master plan before advancing to a developed design process. Once finalised, the masterplan defines the key aims & objectives of the waterfront development, including considerations such as;
- Synergy with landside uses
- Avoiding conflict
- Operational requirements and function
- User groups
- Market opportunities
- Site constraints & opportunities
- Incorporating marine servicing requirements
- Transport and access
- Climate change
- Landownership
- Residential and social infrastructure
- Commerce (hotels, bars, shops, cafes)
- Employment
- Local heritage
- Environmental sustainability

Marina projects Master planning services
A well-considered masterplan that creates the right relationship between land and water-based activities, is critical to the success of any marina and waterfront development.
At Marina Projects, we strive to unlock the value of the land-water interface and in doing so we work in conjunction with architects and other professionals to develop effective, workable plans for mixed use waterfront and marina development schemes.
the framework for financial planning and evaluation
We identify core aims and objectives with our clients and address the fundamental criteria for a successful waterfront development. Masterplans often create a distinct vision and architectural style.
Our masterplans act as a framework for financial planning and evaluation and provide an invaluable marketing tool. With analysis, recommendations and proposals based on detailed market research, surveys, stakeholder consultation, existing developments, site constraints & opportunities, and client requirements. Our masterplans provide a sound baseline upon which to build detailed marina designs.
the basis for future growth AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Our masterplans provide a framework to achieve future growth and development objectives, whilst also considering the legislation, technical and environmental requirements. The masterplan informs more detailed subsequent project stages such as viability assessments & feasibility studies which are completed with due consideration to business planning and operational requirements. This often leads to an iterative design development process.
Our master planners not only understand the technical requirements for any successful marina development design but also how it can be integrated into the wider masterplan to shape the future of a location, impacting on wellbeing, work and lifestyle.
For more information on our marina design master planning services, please call us on +44 (0)23 9252 6688 or click the Contact Us button below.
Our Services
Master planning to create realistic deliverable waterfront development concepts
Feasibility analysis of marina, boatyard and waterfront opportunities
Business planning, viability studies and financial appraisal
Sustainable marina design and waterfront development
Ensuring projects are delivered to achieve our client’s aspiration and vision
A range of operational consultancy services and an approach to suit any project/client requirements
An unparalleled record of securing licences and consents within challenging environments
Tailored marina development property advice

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