Marina Projects has a wealth of international experience within feasibility analysis of marina, boatyard and waterfront opportunities. As a specialist consulting firm, we understand that each project is unique and requires tailored strategies and thorough analysis.
We produce marina feasibility studies and market assessments that provide clear guidance on the potential for introducing leisure and commercial marine facilities. These may take the form of a new marina design or the upgrading of existing assets.
Our target research and analysis are essential tools when planning future marina development or expansion. Our services include the following:
- Market position
- Berth mix and scale
- Competitor analysis
- Demand characteristics
- Influence of customer expectations
- Tariff analysis
- SWOT analysis
- Segmentation by yacht size, type and usage patterns
- Profile of existing and prospective marina customers

Our specialist skills and knowledge allow us to make a detailed site appraisal, identifying the potential constraints to marina development such as regulatory changes, market fluctuations, access, navigation, site exposure, and environmental and licensing issues.
Through targeted research we are able to identify the market position, berth mix, competitor analysis, demand characteristics and the influence of customer expectations. The balancing of the site assessment and market assessment are key inputs to the identification of optimum solutions.
Our feasibility services enable clients to make informed business decisions on the viability of their marina venture.
Step 1: Reviewing a site suitable for marina development
We start by identifying the potential location(s) to discover the main physical attributes and undertake detailed research to establish whether the area will be a suitable site for a new marina development.
Our marina feasibility study includes a review of various components that first start by establishing the client aspirations and vision for the development. The study will seek to establish the market opportunities of the site, with consideration to factors such as boating opportunities, access to cruising grounds, vessel usage patterns, competition etc.
Against this backdrop, the physical constraints and opportunities of the site are identified in order to establish the main challenges that would need to be addressed through detailed design stages. The findings of the feasibility study are a culmination and marriage of these primary components that will inform and provide the key terms of reference for any further study work and design development i.e. concept design, viability assessments etc.

Step 2: What are the potential constraints?
When reviewing potential new sites for marinas & waterfront development, we check for different physical factors that may present a challenge or influence development proposals so that they are identified and considered from the onset. The feasibility study review extends to all areas of the site to include environmental factors (i.e. water levels, wave & wind data), site exposure, access to water, land ownership, major utilities, existing infrastructure and so on.
As a matter of course, the market research we would also seek to establish any environmental designations pertaining to the development area such as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Ramsar sites etc. Any such environmental designations would require careful consideration at the early stages of the project.
Step 3: What is the market demand now and in the future?
The market opportunity is a key aspect to any potential marina & waterfront development, providing projections on future consumer demand. A clear understanding of the local & regional market trends provide an indication of type of operation that can be successfully achieved at a site.
We research market factors that help to inform the design & financial viability of a marina development taking into consideration the size & scale of any potential new marina facility in terms of berths mix and scale. In addition, projections of future market growth help to inform opportunities for future-proofing the design to ensure the marina development can satisfy the demand of the changing market landscape in the years to come.
The revenue potential of a new site will be primarily dependent on the attractiveness of the location and the quality of services on offer, as well as the operating costs overall. The market analysis extends to the review of important market factors such as tariff and occupancy data for existing facilities to provide a baseline against which detailed financial viability assessments can be measured during subsequent project stages.
If you would like further information about our marina development feasibility studies and market research, please call us on +44 (0)23 9252 6688 or use the Contact Us button.
Our Services
Master planning to create realistic deliverable waterfront development concepts
Feasibility analysis of marina, boatyard and waterfront opportunities
Business planning, viability studies and financial appraisal
Sustainable marina design and waterfront development
Ensuring projects are delivered to achieve our client’s aspiration and vision
A range of operational consultancy services and an approach to suit any project/client requirements
An unparalleled record of securing licences and consents within challenging environments
Tailored marina development property advice

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