The complexities of waterfront and marina design require specialist skills to address standards, conditions, function and performance. Our marina consultancy services span from the initial concept through to the successful operation of the facility.
The design process starts by clearly establishing the client vision and aspiration for the development, bringing together the market opportunities and site conditions to create a clear objective for the marina and waterfront development.
- An evaluation of the site conditions (including climate, wave and tide conditions)
- Assessment of market dynamics and opportunities
- Berth mix analysis
- Fixed pier or floating pontoon consideration
- Berthing systems
- Utilities and safety equipment integration
- Waterside buildings and commercial outlets
- Infrastructure
- Scoping and Management of Dredge Campaigns

Establishing the feasibility of your marina project is an important first step in the marina design process. By studying the dynamic environmental influences such as topography and bathymetry to the existing & potential marine leisure market conditions within the surrounding area, we are able to propose the most viable, sustainable and inspired marina designs.
Marina Projects is experienced in satisfying the objectives of standards, quality, function, financing and serviceability, and pride ourselves on our passionate attention to detail. We work in partnership with other consultants to create sustainable marina design solutions sensitive to the local environment and the site conditions.
As an independent organisation, we are entirely objective when it comes to the selection of construction methods and materials, ensuring clients achieve best value. We make sure we keep fully updated on the latest procedures, products and services within the industry so we can offer advice that is fully considered, relevant and impartial.
With international experience across many countries worldwide, our focus is on creating successful marina and waterfront developments that operate efficiently and profitably. Our uniquely tailored marina design services ensure that proposals precisely fit your needs and also work to optimise the use of valuable waterfront land.
Often a solution that is successful for one marina will not work for another, each having unique customer bases and entirely different geographical challenges. Our response in design terms is always focused on achieving a unique selling proposition to appeal to the individual customer base.
We ensure valuable consideration to your customer base and their requirements including seeking to maximise the benefits of their leisure time.
To find out more about our marina design services and expertise, please call us on +44 (0)23 9252 6688 or click the Contact Us button below.
Our Services
Master planning to create realistic deliverable waterfront development concepts
Feasibility analysis of marina, boatyard and waterfront opportunities
Business planning, viability studies and financial appraisal
Sustainable marina design and waterfront development
Ensuring projects are delivered to achieve our client’s aspiration and vision
A range of operational consultancy services and an approach to suit any project/client requirements
An unparalleled record of securing licences and consents within challenging environments
Tailored marina development property advice

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