A four-year, group wide agreement, between Marina Developments Ltd (MDL) and Marina Projects Ltd for the provision of licensing support, project management and technical support across MDL’s extensive marina dredging and capital works programmes.
The agreement covers a full portfolio of marina sites, including the residential marina sites at Hythe Marina Village and Ocean Village Marina (Southampton).
Marina Developments Ltd
Project Value
A varied portfolio of projects
Marina Developments Limited (MDL) owns and operates nineteen marinas, predominantly along the south coast of the UK.
The MDL Capital Programme requires Marina Projects to deliver projects ranging from lock shut-down and maintenance, pontoon replacement and upgrades, maintenance dredging, quay wall repair and rebuild, wavescreen maintenance, marina utility upgrades and metering. The annual capital programme of projects being delivered is in the range £4-£6m each year.

A full service
In order to deliver the projects the Marina Projects Team undertakes an extensive role of managing all Marine Licensing across the varied project portfolio. The team also undertakes and maintains a comprehensive asset survey and maintenance schedule. Delivery of the programme and ensuring the necessary stakeholder management has seen Marina Projects allocate a dedicate Programme Manager to the Term Agreement.
The breadth of the Term Agreement requires Marina Projects to provide services including:
- Project Management – of a diverse portfolio of marine works projects
- Legislative Advice – delivery and compliance with an extensive suite of Marine Licences and related approvals
- Environmental Guidance – sustainability advice and best practice considerations
- Procurement – full tender action and contract arrangements
- Business Case – assessment of the project justification
- Marina Design – related to replacement and reconfiguration projects
- Property Consultancy – including asset surveys and support to due diligence of new opportunities
We are delighted to form a long-term partnership with Marina Projects. The new agreement enhances MDL’s marine capabilities and builds agile resilience into our operating structure. Marina Projects understands the unique requirements of our sector, contributing strategies and solutions which enable MDL to focus on providing a high-quality service to its customers.
Richard Broadribb, Property Director, MDL
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