The regeneration of East Cowes

Against the background of a major SEEDA regeneration initiative for East Cowes and the Medina River, the opportunity was being sought to explore the potential for bringing forward complimentary marine related activities to support and enhance the reputation of Cowes as one of the world’s foremost maritime centres.


Isle of Wight, Hampshire UK


South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) and Cowes Harbour Commission

Project Value



Single Source Appointment

East Cowes’ Improved event and visitor berthing facilities

The ambitious scheme will involve the introduction of a fixed outer breakwater to Cowes Outer Harbour, the introduction of new navigational channels and the installation of a 400 berth marina to support the regeneration of the area and provide improved event and visitor berthing facilities.

Cowes, Isle of Wight, Marina Projects
Cowes, Isle of Wight, Marina Projects

The role undertaken by Marina Projects

Marina Projects was commissioned by SEEDA and the Cowes Harbour Commission to undertake a review of the marine related opportunities including input to the master plan for East Cowes with a particular emphasis on the marine commercial activity and event based opportunities.

As part of the study programme Marina Projects has considered various options for the outer breakwater alignment and a number of concept schemes were developed to assist in the decision making processes.


Marina Projects was retained as a lead member of the professional team and progressed the following key tasks:

  • Detailed assessment of the selected option schemes
  • Review of the marina business case and overall project viability
  • Input to the technical solutions for the breakwater design
  • Establishment of a consent strategy
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Co-ordination of the Environmental Impact Assessment and applications for the marine related development consents
  • Input to the Crown Lease negotiations and frameworks for the development agreement
  • Detailed tender documentation to procure a developer/operator partner under the OJEU negotiated procedure

To support and enhance the reputation of Cowes as one of the world’s foremost maritime centres.

Mike Ward, Marina Projects

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